These are the ways you run your campaign!

Check out FUNDRAISING PROGRAMS for videos that explain the different levels of success for both Standard and Hybrid. 

STANDARD: This is the traditional way to fundraise, paper order forms & online selling. We send a physical seller package for each participant. The standard package includes your catalogues, personalized parent letter, and an order form. You collect forms and payments from participants and they have the option to place orders online.

Shipping options: paper orders will ship to organization only and online will have the choice of shipping to organization and/or a home address.

HYBRID: This is similar to standard except all sales are online and there are no paper order forms included. We send a physical seller package for each participant. The hybrid package includes your catalogues, and a personalized parent letter. You DO NOT collect any payments or orders from participants as all sales are done online.

Shipping options: The online site offers the choice of both ship to organization and/or ship to home. You may choose to have a ship to home only sale if you prefer.

VIRTUAL: This option is done completely online. We send you a virtual email and nothing is physically sent to your organization. The email we send will include your instructions, important information, coordinator login, and an email template for you to send. You are responsible for sending your fundraising package to your participants via email, social media, or printing and dispersing yourself. All sales are made online only.

Shipping options: The online site offers the choice of both ship to organization and/or ship to home. You may choose to have a ship to home only sale if you prefer. We do not recommend a ship to home only campaign as the combination of virtual and ship to home is rarely very successful. This option will need to be requested specially if it is the only way your group can fundraise.